My name’s Andrew Bell. I like to think about sound, security, and spaceships.
I work for a travel metasearch company called Skyscanner, where I create systems that chuck around lots of data very quickly. If you like solving interesting problems by making data hug each other, we’re hiring.
Outside of work, my most loved passions are acoustics, sound engineering, computer security, classical music, and moths.
I live in Edinburgh, Scotland, where I can often be found running around on hills wearing very few clothes. Sometimes, I hit a drum while I do this.
Beltane 2016, as a hummingbird shaman in The Aerie
Only if I stop drumming.
All text and media on my blog may be used under a Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0, unless stated otherwise.
All code on my GitHub account may be used under a GPLv3 license, unless stated otherwise.
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I would be delighted if you did! You can contact me by e-mail at
Yes, you can find it here. I also have a LinkedIn account.
I’M GLAD YOU ASKED! I live with two cats: a jet black contrary menace called Dr Meowface, and a murderous psychopath in a tuxedo called Lord Kittington.
Dr Meowface
Lord Kittington